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Will is BACK & A Sneak Peek for NEXT Week’s BRAND NEW LAYOUT

Writer's picture: John Stephens John Stephens

Ah, Friday! 

This week has been unexpectedly laborious. With power back in the HQ, we focused on “getting back to normal”. We are stoked to have production back at 100% and most of the staff safe and sound, and back in the HQ daily. Unfortunately, the lack of cell signal and continued internet outage threw a few more roadblocks in our direction than we might have expected. Somewhere between the twice-daily trips back to town to use the internet to fulfill orders, Baker Boss Coy lost his patience and doubled down with an extra internet option which should arrive over the weekend. The backup option will be a confidence-booster as we plan to survive (and thrive) through the next unfortunate challenge thrown our way. 

With things back to “normal” on the production floor, we cooked up a fresh pallet of Gator Piss to send off to a distributor. Our pre-mixed formula has been a HUGE hit since we dropped it and we are so thankful and excited to continue to advance our reach and supply knifemakers EVERYWHERE with this easy-to-use, works-every-time solution. Check out what Gaoor Piss is capable of on our Instagram page - @Gator.Piss here!

What a blessing it was to welcome Baker teammate Will back to the HQ on Monday after an extended absence during Hurricane Helene. I’m sure he’s got some stories to share from his time trapped up in his rural home, but we’ll save that for the socials. Regardless, he is a HUGE part of our operation, and we’re grateful to have him back, unharmed and in his classic, goofy, state. Bob, another of our employees that experienced some challenges during the storm, chose to get a minor surgery out of the way during the storm recovery and we expect to have him back in the HQ before too long as well. 


Inside the Media

With the internet still down at the shop (and no cell-signal within miles), our media has been a challenge. Although our two-man team has grown pretty compatible in our development of the week’s content, this certainly throws a wrench in the normal schedule. However, we push forward. Waylon didn’t need wifi to shoot one of the coolest, most dramatic studio videos he has shot yet. Featuring Paragon Knives out of Asheville, the video showcases four insane new builds all in our Raindrop GoMai - a personal favorite of Waylon’s. You can take a look here!

Perhaps the most significant aspect of our media that takes a hit from the lack of wifi is the creative side. Limited by our inability to utilize tantalizing personalities like Greyson of Grey Blades & Alex Norton of Valhalla Ironworks like we do often has put our schedule a bit further out, but rest assured, the time to get creative, brainstorm, and plan future media has been used to the fullest, and what we create coming out of this rebuilding season will be better than anything we’ve accomplished before! 


Sneak Peek 

This weekend we’re tossing out a QUICK inventory sale on two specific layouts. Get 20% off BOTH 200 layer Raindrop Damascus AND CopperMai - Wavy started SATURDAY 8PM EST while supplies last! This is your chance to stock up on two diverse, well-rounded Baker CLASSICS on a budget. Stay tuned for a drop email on Saturday!

 In our newsletter, we'd usually state, 

The details of our weekly create.

But this time, we'll leave you in suspense,

For next week's drop, an immense expense.

A layout so new, it's never been seen, 

A pattern so bold, it'll make you keen. 

With facets that sparkle, it's clear to see, 

This design will stun, guarantee!

All will be revealed, not now but soon, 

On Wednesday next, 'neath the light of the moon.

But for those with our app, there's no need to frown, 

Early access awaits, in Baker App town.

So keep your eyes peeled, Saturday night, 

At eight sharp, EST, for a dazzling sight.


"Neither a wise nor a brave man lies down on the tracks of history to wait for the train of the future to run over him."

- Dwight D. Eisenhower


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